The Bharatiya Janata Party has once again emerged as the single largest party in the Karnataka State Assembly. Only this time it seems set to rule than just sitting on the sidelines. Hopefully it will garner support of the three independents that it requires to claim simple majority and hence form a government before long. Though personally devoid of any political inclinations whatsoever in this Great Indian Circus of electoral politics I found it hard to hold back my ire at the shameless breach of contract by the Janata Dal-Secular a few months back. Setting an ignominious precedent that is sure to breed suspicion henceforth amongst coalition partners throughout the nation the JD(S) had refused to make way for a Chief Minister from the BJP after the completion of its term in office. Wounded and helpless the BJP had promised vengeance that now seems complete in the wake of this thumping victory. With the JD(S) effectively trounced and grounded the only substantial opposition that the BJP can face in the coming Parliamentary elections is the re-emergent Congress. The latter is already hailing the 'RahulGandhi magic touch', claiming strong voter turn-outs in their support wherever he had held a rally. Personal charisma notwithstanding, the BJP will have to deliver the goods to the people of the state and fast to ensure that its maiden stint in power in a South-Indian state turns out to be productive in the long run and not just a electoral fluke that will be promptly redressed in the coming polls.
Here's wishing B.S Yediyurappa a happy last laugh.
On What Is Happening in Bangladesh
5 months ago